How to perform rep testing

Word of caution for all max testing

Anytime you are performing a near maximal physical performance test, use caution!

Attempt to lift the load only if you confidently feel safe performing the test with proper exercise technique.

Always ask a qualified and capable individual to assist you by spotting you safely during your testing sets.

Warm-up Protocol

Before attempting any near-maximum test its important to follow a proper warm-up.

After you’ve completed a general warm-up including some mobility exercises, you’ll start with the exercise you’re testing.

  1. Start by performing the test-exercise with a light load for 5-10 reps.
  2. Rest for at least one minute.
  3. Perform another warm-up set with a heavier load and complete 3-5 reps.
  4. Rest for another two minutes.
  5. Perform additional warm-up sets as needed, but don’t wear yourself out.

Rep Max Testing Protocol

  1. Start by determining your starting load for your rep max test.
  2. Depending on how your warm-up sets went, estimate a load that you can complete for at least 1 rep, but no more than 10 reps.
  3. This will ensure an accurate estimation of your 1RM when its calculated.
  4. If the weight used for a warm-up set was challenging and close to fatigue use that as your actual testing weight.
  5. Perform one set to the point you cannot safely and properly perform another rep.

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